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Blepharoplasty: it’s not a lunchtime beauty treatment!

Blepharoplasty is a real plastic surgery. Although it’s under local anesthesia, yet it’s surgery and this means that compliance with strict quality and safety standards is essential.

Unfortunately, over the last few years, some low-cost clinics, in order to cut prices and win new customers, have lowered the surgery quality and spread the idea that blepharoplasty is a simple “lunchtime beauty treatment”. As a consequence, the failure rate has remarkably increased, as well as the “remedy” surgery (a surgery to repair the damage of a previous unsuccessful blepharoplasty).

How can you prevent this risk? How can you find a surgeon and a clinic that guarantee the wishful result, in complete safety?

Here are the 6 aspects you should consider when you search and select a clinic for a blepharoplasty.

1. Pre-op

Before the surgery, an accurate medical visit is essential to assess the clinical and aesthetic situation, to define pre-op tests, to understand the wishful result and, consequently, the kind of surgery needed (that must be customized).

In fact, a surgery requires surgeon-patient connection and empathy, built on listening, dialogue and an in-depth assessment and diagnosis.

A short, superficial visit and standard proposals are a warning sign.

2. The surgical room

The surgery can’t take place in an ordinary doctor’s office, but demands a certified surgical room, with the proper and updated equipment.

So, always ask information about the surgery location.

3. The surgeon

Of course, this is the key factor: the surgeon must be a plastic surgeon, highly skilled and with a wide specific experience in blepharoplasty. In fact, only a huge specific practice guarantees the right competence mix – surgical skill and aesthetic eye – that is essential to deliver a good result.

Don’t rely on generic surgeons! Always investigate the specific blepharoplasty experience of your surgeon: several hundred specific surgeries experience ensure higher safety.

4. The surgical staff

The surgeon doesn’t work alone. To be successful, a surgery needs a highly qualified and consolidated surgical staff (anesthetists, assistants), in order to achieve a high-level coordination and quality.

So, always seek information on the surgical staff too.

5. Post-op

Post-op management is crucial to get good esthetic results and a fast, safe and painless healing.

During recovery, you need regular checks, 24h assistance and support by a qualified and empathetic staff.

Don’t be afraid to ask for information about these issues.

6. Problem solving

Zero-risk surgery does not exist! A problem may always occur: an infection, a post-op complication … A surgeon or clinic excellence also depends on how they manage problems: how and how fast they react, which kind of support they provide …

Never forget to ask questions like “what if …”.

In order to meet all these requirements, a doctor/clinic needs experience, knowledge, investments. Very low prices are often due to a lack in one or more of these aspects. Pay attention to low cost temptations!

Clinica del Viso is a medical clinic, specialized exclusively in face surgery and face esthetic medicine– notably, in blepharoplasty – thanks to:

– a specialist plastic surgeon (Dr. Christophe Buratto, 500+ blepharoplasty surgeries experience)

– a surgery room specifically designed for face/blepharoplasty and with the most advanced equipment

– a qualified, consolidated and empathetic surgical and assistance staff.

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