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Botulinum Toxin, Tossina Botulinica, Botox, Tossina, Botulinica, Prima, Dopo, Botulinum Toxin

10 things you should know about botulinum toxin

Botulinum toxin (also known as “Botox”, its brand name) is the most requested aesthetic medicine treatment by Italian women (and, more and more, by Italian men).

In this blogpost, we will answer to the most frequently asked questions by our patients and by people who contact us to get information about botulinum toxin.

1_What is botulin toxin?

It is a toxin produced by a specific bacterium called clostridium botulinum. This toxin, duly isolated and purified, is used in aesthetic medicine (through injections) to smooth wrinkles.

2_Who needs it and what is it for?

The intramuscular injection of botulin toxin is useful to smooth those kinds of wrinkles that are caused by the continuous contraction of facial muscles (expression lines), like glabellar wrinkles (the vertical wrinkles between eyebrows), periorbital side wrinkles (crow’s-feet) and frown wrinkles.

Some surgeons use it also for nasolabial folds and neck wrinkles; but this off-label use is under the surgeon responsibility.

3_How does it work and how long does the treatment last?

First of all, only authorized doctors (plastic surgeons, dermatologists, neurologists, surgeons specialized in maxillofacial surgery) can use botulinum toxin.

The treatment can take place only in qualified clinics and only one of the 3 toxins authorized in Italy (Vistabex, Azzalure e Bocouture) can be used.

The toxin is injected intramuscularly in the face areas to be treated. No anesthesia is required and the treatment lasts about 20 minutes.

Botulinum toxin works by relaxing the facial muscles: in fact, it breaks the connection between facial muscles and the nerve endings that innervate them.

The final results are visible after 5-8 days, but it should be clear that the outcome is excellent in case of wrinkles that are not too deep.

4_ How long is the recovery?

After the treatment, the face is slightly reddened in the injection areas, but only for a few minutes; after only 10 minutes it is possible to make up and get back to your normal social life.

Sometimes, a small bruise or swelling may appear; but it disappears in a few days.

You have to wait at least 10 days before you can be exposed to the sun.

5_ What are the side effects and adverse reactions?

Since the Health Ministry authorization (2004) no serious side effects have occurred. Nevertheless, like any other drug, allergic reactions to the toxin or excipients are possible.

A lowering of the upper eyelid (for 3-4 weeks) can occur but it’s very infrequent.

In any case, side effects are always temporary, reversible and mild.

The treatment is not recommended under 18 years, in case of pregnancy and neuromuscular or allergic pathologies.

6_Is it true that it gives a “plastic face”, artificial look?

False. Botulinum toxin doesn’t alter the face appearance, because it only smoothes wrinkles, whereas the face remains absolutely natural. Needless to say, only experienced and authorized surgeons/doctors can do it.

7_Is it true that the facial muscles atrophy and don’t work any more?

False. Facial muscles are very small and have a very fast recovery time; a normal muscular contractions is restored, on average, in about 4 months.

8_ How long do the results last?

Approximately 4-5 months. After this period, expression lines tend to recur.

9_ Can I repeat the treatment?

Yes, the treatment can be repeated. Moreover, after some treatment sessions, the therapeutic effect is even more long-lasting.

10_How do I know if the toxin is authorized?

Like any other drug, a bar code tag must be released by the doctor.


To learn more about botulinum toxin, visit the page Botulino a Milano? elimina le rughe d’espressione e le zampe di gallina (


Clinica del Viso is a medical clinic, specialized exclusively in face surgery and face esthetic medicine thanks to:

– a specialist plastic surgeon (Dr. Christophe Buratto)

– a surgery room specifically designed for face surgery and with the most advanced equipment

– a qualified, consolidated and empathetic surgical and assistance staff.

